Welcome to our Cub Pack

Cub Leader: Hazel Densham (Akela)

Cubs Age Range: 8 – 10.5 Years

Cubs is held on a Monday Night from 6:30 pm – 8:15 pm unless a letter is handed out stating otherwise.

A Cub Scout Pack is split into smaller groups called Sixes. At 1st Oulton Broad, our Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. Our weekly meeting consists of badge work, practical skills and of course games and outdoor fun.

Camps are also a regular thing in the summer which bring joy and happy moments the Cubs will cherish forever.

1st OB Cubs Programme

Events on this programme are subject to change

Our Cub Badges

Take a look on the left to see an outline of the 65+ badges that can be earned during your time in Cubs.

Could you earn them all?

Why not join our Cub section and see for yourself. Click the “Join the Group” button at the top of the page to get in touch about starting your journey.

Our Cub Mascot

Did you know we have a Cub mascot too?

His name is Grey Brother, and he comes with us on the amazing adventures we go on and with you when you go on holiday.

Our Cub’s News