Cub’s District Christmas Party

On Saturday our Cub’s took part in the District Cub’s Christmas Party. They played games, had a dance competition and even got the leaders involved in some of the games. If you fancy becoming a Cub, get in touch with us today and we can start your Scouting Journey.

🌟🌟Exciting Beaver, Cubs and Scout Troop Adventures!🌟🌟

Our sections have been on an incredible journey over the last few weeks, and it’s time to share the highlights! Beavers explored the South Lowestoft Fire Station, where they learned all about fire safety and had a blast during their sleepover at our Headquarters. Cubs took their culinary skills to the next level, cooking up … Read more

Quizzing Success for Cubs

A massive well done to our Cubs who attended the District Cub’s Quiz last night. We came 2nd place with only 1 point between us and winners. Congratulations to 4th Lowestoft Scout Group for winning the Quiz.